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Find out why Select Traveler Magazine lists Robber’s Cave as one of Lincoln, Nebraska’s, top tourist destinations!


Nebraska Book Award-Winning author Joel Green would love to give you a tour of Robber’s Cave!

BOOK A TOUR by contacting Joel at greenyj4@icloud.com or CALL/TEXT 402.975.0598.

2025 GENERAL ADMISSION: $21.99, KIDS 6-12: $9.99, KIDS 1-5: $3.99

When you book a tour, you must agree with terms. When you arrive, park in the lot in front of the building (east). The front doors will be unlocked a few minutes prior to the tour.

These tours require several steps and walking on uneven ground. Enter at your own risk. Tours are generally 45 to 60 minutes in length depending on the number of questions. Please do not touch the walls - vandalizing the cave in anyway will result in immediate removal from premises and a vandalism citation will be issued. Due to city fire code, there is a 30 person limit per tour. Take photos - Yes, they are certainly allowed! (Checkout @RobbersCaveTours on Facebook.)